Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Apartment Update

Hi Everyone!

Hope all is well. I miss you all on the west coast! Well, as you can see, the construction is never ending. It's going on 5 weeks now! This is a photo of the living room, taken right after they finished the last skim coat on all the walls in the apartment. Since then everything is sanded, they have removed all debris from the site, and will begin the refinishing of the hardwood floors and should finish them this Friday. Next Monday they'll begin paint on Monday and finish up Wed or Thursday! We plan on moving in over the weekend of November 22, 23. Finally!


Anonymous said...

Hello found your blog by way of Karl's Swagger blog. Is this your place that's being renovated? This is a big project and I wish you nothing but the best with it. I'd love to see the finished product.

Marquis de Lannes said...

Courage! bientôt les travaux finis, et un nouveau lieu magnifique t'auras!

The Concrete Commentator said...

Thanks Jacqueline. I'll post photos of the completed decor. Thanks for stopping by